A while later, he shuffled back to bed. His face white as a ghost, he cringed in pain, pressing his hands against his stomach.

"Been PARTYING, too?" I chuckled, offering my commiseration. "I know what you're going through, pal, believe ME!"

"No you DON'T!" he whimpered. "I haven't had a DROP to drink!"

As he slowly laid back in bed, I warily asked, "Then why are you so sick? Not from nail polish and hairspray?"

"I. . .I'm not sure. "B...but I think it's because of THIS!" Raising his arms, he showed me two small bandages, one on each of his hairless armpits. "I still don't understand, Wayne. Cut yourself shaving?"

"After going to the beauty salon, yesterday, Rita took me to a lady doctor. She gave me a shot that knocked me out. When I awoke, these were here and I've been deathly sick ever since!"

"WOW! What did she do?"

"All Rita and Dr. Simms said was that it was done to improve my modeling figure. . .That's it!"

"Gosh, Wayne. What do you suppose it is?"

"I only wish I knew," he whimpered. "Something was implanted because I can feel it. They said I'll to be ill for a week, but then I'm suppose to GLOW. You're right, Ron, I should've of quit. . .But now, I fear, it's too late!"

Burying his head in his pillow, Wayne softly sobbed. Consoling him, I placed my hand on his upper arm. But as I touched his bicep, I was shocked to feel nearly ALL his muscle tone gone!

I kept him company until way after dark. Although we didn't talk much, I could tell Wayne really appreciated me being there.

"WOW!" I yelped, checking my watch. "It's nearly midnight! I'd love to stay, but I'm going fishing early tomorrow morning. I'll be back in town Thursday and...'

"But I'll be gone, Ron," he pouted. "Wednesday, Rita's taking me to New York and we'll be there for a couple of weeks!"

"We'll hook up the first day you're back! I'll get us ball game tickets. Oakland will be in town. Remember, you owe


OG 1991

Wayne didn't look uni-sex, he looked girlish.


"Sounds wonderful. It's a date!"

Heading home, I wanted to believe everything would be fine. Yet Wayne's parting word, "DATE" unsettled me greatly.

The walleye were biting at Lake Wildwood! But when I got Xback, a I received orders the head coach at Wettington "U". I was to report for freshman work outs, immediately.

Down at campus, work outs went so well the coach was considering making me a starter!

Four weeks later, I returned home. A Wettington football booster hired me as a trucker's helper for the summer. As I left from my job interview, I ran into Rachel.

"Long time, no see!" she coyly grinned as we met along Main Street. "Guess WHO has been asking about you?"

"Gosh! Tell him I'm sorry. There was football, my new job, and I figured he was busy too..."

"Relax! Wayne has been. . .oh how shall I say. . .very preoccupied. But I know he's anxious to see you!"

"How is he?"

"Drop by!" Winking impishly, Rachel turned and strutted away. As I stood in her wake, my thoughts turned to my best friend. I could've kick myself in the butt for ignoring him for nearly a month!

My plans for that evening weren't until late. So after a shower and a quick bite, I ran on over to see Wayne.

"RON! What a pleasant surprise!" Mrs. Carr smiled. "Is Wayne expecting you?"

"I suppose," I replied, puzzled. "I saw Rachel...”